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Version: 0.9.x

From operator based installation

This page will walk you through how to upgrade TSB using the tctl CLI, rendering the Kubernetes manifests for the different operators and applying them to the clusters to upgrade using kubectl.

Before you start, make sure that you have:

✓ Checked the new version’s requirements
Downloaded the new version of the Tetrate Service Bridge CLI (tctl)
Synced the Tetrate Service Bridge images

The upgrade procedure between operator-based releases is fairly simple. Once the operator pods are updated with the new release images, the newly spun up operator pods will upgrade all the necessary components to the new version for you.

Management plane

First, create the base manifest which will allow you to update the management plane operator from your private Docker registry:

tctl install manifest management-plane-operator \
--registry <your-docker-registry> \
> managementplaneoperator.yaml
Management namespace name

Starting with TSB 0.9.0 the default management plane namespace name is tsb as opposed to tcc used in older versions. If you installed TSB using an earlier version than 0.9.0, your management plane probably lives in the tcc namespace. You will need to add a --managementplane tcc flag to reflect this.


The managementplaneoperator.yaml file created by the install command can now be used as a base template for your management plane upgrade. If your existing TSB configuration contains specific adjustments on top of the standard configuration, you should copy them over to the new template.

Now, add the manifest to source control or apply it directly to the management plane cluster by using the kubectl client:

kubectl apply -f managementplaneoperator.yaml

After applying the manifest, you will see the new operator running in the tsb namespace:

kubectl get pod -n tsb
tsb-operator-management-plane-d4c86f5c8-b2zb5 1/1 Running 0 8s

For more information on the manifest and how to configure it, please review the ManagementPlane resource reference

Control and data planes

To deploy the new control and data plane operators in your application clusters, you must run tctl install manifest cluster-operators to retrieve the control plane and data plane operator manifests for the new version.

tctl install manifest cluster-operators \
--registry <your-docker-registry> \
> clusteroperators.yaml

The clusteroperators.yaml file can now be used for your cluster upgrade. If your existing control and data planes have specific adjustments on top of the standard configuration, you should copy them over to the template.

Now, add the manifest to source control or apply it directly to the appropriate clusters by using the kubectl client:

kubectl apply -f clusteroperators.yaml

For more information on each of these manifests and how to configure them, please check out the following guides: