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Version: 1.4.x

TSB UI Metrics Troubleshooting

TSB’s UI displays metrics and health of your services. However, if there are no metrics or traces displayed, then you may be facing an issue with either your services, or with TSB.

This guide will walk you through how to determine whether the issue is with a service, or with one of the metrics components within TSB.


If you don't see the metrics, use this section of the guide to troubleshoot.

First, make sure that you have traffic flowing in your application. You need traffic to generate metrics.

Check that the time range window you've set in TSB is correct, and there was traffic during that period.

Check if running a UI query in your browser returns a status. Use your browser inspect command and check the request/response details.

From the inspector, select the Network tab and open your application from the TSB UI. You should see a list of all the requests between your browser and the TSB backend.

Search for the last graphql request.

If you don't see the query, it may indicate that your application is not handling any traffic, or you're having a problem with the OAP deployment.

To inspect OAP, use the following steps:

Check if the OAP Pod in the tsb Namespace is up and running by confirming whether there are any errors in the pod's log:

kubectl -n tsb logs -l app=oap

The errors from the logs will help you triage the problem.

If the issue is related to Elasticsearch, check if OAP in the control plane namespace (istio-system) is receiving Access Log Service (ALS) data from various Envoys by forwarding the monitoring port of the OAP pods to your local computer, and querying some metrics using the following steps:

Start a port-forward to OAP in a shell:

kubectl -n istio-system port-forward deployment/oap-deployment 1234

If there is no issue, you should see:

Forwarding from -> 1234
Forwarding from [::1]:1234 -> 1234

In a different shell, curl the metrics with the command below:

curl -s http://localhost:1234/ | grep "envoy_als_in_count"

You should see something similar to this example output:

envoy_als_in_count{id="router~",cluster="tsb-gateway",} 67492.0
envoy_als_in_count{id="sidecar~",cluster="details.bookinfo",} 33747.0
envoy_als_in_count{id="sidecar~",cluster="reviews.bookinfo",} 22500.0
envoy_als_in_count{id="sidecar~",cluster="productpage.bookinfo",} 101240.0
envoy_als_in_count{id="sidecar~",cluster="reviews.bookinfo",} 22498.0
envoy_als_in_count{id="sidecar~",cluster="ratings.bookinfo",} 22499.0
envoy_als_in_count{id="sidecar~",cluster="reviews.bookinfo",} 11249.0

You should see the numbers on the right-hand side increase if your application is in use.

If you don’t see any metrics, or the metrics do not change over time, check if your application sidecars (Envoy) are sending ALS metrics to the control plane OAP by performing aport-forward of the Istio Sidecar on port 15000 and query the envoy_accesslog_service metric. The standard number of cx_active metrics (i.e. the number of current connections) is two.

The below example uses the productpage service of the bookinfo application:

# start the port-forward in a shell
kubectl -n bookinfo port-forward deployment/productpage-v1 15000
Forwarding from -> 15000
Forwarding from [::1]:15000 -> 15000

# curl the config in another shell
curl -s http://localhost:15000/clusters | grep "envoy_accesslog_service" | grep cx_active

If the counters aren’t what you expect, add debug logging level to OAP by editing the OAP’s config.yml with the following command:

kubectl -n istio-system edit cm oap-config

Search for the following lines and remove the comments around it:

<!-- uncomment following line when need to debug ALS raw data
<logger name="io.tetrate.spm.user.receiver.envoy" level="DEBUG"/>

So that it becomes:

<logger name="io.tetrate.spm.user.receiver.envoy" level="DEBUG"/>

Then, restart OAP for the configuration change to take effect:

kubectl -n istio-system delete pod -l app=oap

Now you can search the logs for downstream_remote_address. If you have searchable logs, it means that the metrics are reaching the OAP service.

  • search in the Elasticsearch back-end
    Metrics are kept in Elasticsearch (ES) indices. You can check the status and health of the ES by sending some queries.

As the ES server is not managed by TSB, please refer to your documentation for the correct connection string.

In the example, we set a port-forward to the ES pod inside the tsb namespace.

# port forward to ES server
kubectl -n tsb port-forward statefulset/elasticsearch 9200

# check cluster health
curl -s 'http://localhost:9200/_cluster/health?pretty=true'
"cluster_name" : "elasticsearch",
"status" : "yellow",
"timed_out" : false,
"number_of_nodes" : 1,
"number_of_data_nodes" : 1,
"active_primary_shards" : 64,
"active_shards" : 64,
"relocating_shards" : 0,
"initializing_shards" : 0,
"unassigned_shards" : 5,
"delayed_unassigned_shards" : 0,
"number_of_pending_tasks" : 0,
"number_of_in_flight_fetch" : 0,
"task_max_waiting_in_queue_millis" : 0,
"active_shards_percent_as_number" : 92.7536231884058

The status line should be green or yellow. If it’s red, then the issue is with the ES cluster. You should check the indices' status using the command:

# Indices status for the 26 March 2020
curl -H'Content-Type: application/json' -s -XGET 'http://localhost:9200/_cat/shards/*20200326

You should see a list of all the indices. They should all be in the STARTED state. Next columns hold the number of documents and the size of the index. By running the command at different times, you should see these numbers increasing.

service_5xx-20200326                                 0 p STARTED  31236   1.4mb elasticsearch-0
service_instance_relation_client_call_sla-20200326 0 p STARTED 53791 5.1mb elasticsearch-0
endpoint_percentile-20200326 0 p STARTED 128707 12.7mb elasticsearch-0
endpoint_2xx-20200326 0 p STARTED 123131 7.4mb elasticsearch-0


If you're having trouble reaching the traces, follow these steps.

  • check Zipkin tracing health
    Use a port-forward to reach the Zipkin Collector from the istio-system Namespace:
# port forward to ES server
kubectl -n istio-system port-forward deployment/zipkin 9411

# check the status
curl -s http://localhost:9411/health | jq '.'
"status": "UP",
"zipkin": {
"status": "UP",
"details": {
"ElasticsearchStorage": {
"status": "UP"

# check the metrics
curl -s http://localhost:9411/metrics | jq '.'
"counter.zipkin_collector.messages.http": 81965,
"counter.zipkin_collector.spans_dropped.http": 168,
"gauge.zipkin_collector.message_bytes.http": 1128,
"counter.zipkin_collector.bytes.http": 107587202,
"gauge.zipkin_collector.message_spans.http": 1,
"counter.zipkin_collector.spans.http": 97692,
"counter.zipkin_collector.messages_dropped.http": 0

If everything is working as it should, the status should be UP and metrics should increase when you run the command multiple times.

Another method of verification is to manually get traces from Zipkin by using the following URL:



  • endTs holds Unix timestamp in milliseconds as end time (defaults to now)
  • limit holds maximum number of traces to return (defaults to 10)
  • lookback window up to endTs in milliseconds. (defaults to 900000 - 15 minutes ; Common setting to use 1 hour = 3600000)

Ex to get only one trace from the last 15 minutes:

curl -s 'http://localhost:9411/zipkin/api/v2/traces?limit=1' | jq '.'
"traceId": "05262907959bfbfe76eff0191e84f9e6",
"id": "76eff0191e84f9e6",
"kind": "SERVER",
"name": "frontend.hipstershop-map.svc.cluster.local:8080/*",
"timestamp": 1585225111558350,
"duration": 65995,
"localEndpoint": {
"serviceName": "frontend.hipstershop-map",
"ipv4": ""
"tags": {
"component": "proxy",
"downstream_cluster": "-",
"guid:x-request-id": "70c86038-19af-9452-9127-10cfc5c58897",
"http.method": "GET",
"http.protocol": "HTTP/1.1",
"http.status_code": "200",
"http.url": "http://frontend.hipstershop-map:8080/product/OLJCESPC7Z",
"node_id": "sidecar~",
"peer.address": "",
"request_size": "0",
"response_flags": "-",
"response_size": "7932",
"upstream_cluster": "inbound|8080|http-frontend|frontend.hipstershop-map.svc.cluster.local",
"user_agent": "python-requests/2.21.0"
  • Check if Zipkin can send traces to Elasticsearch
    You can add more debug to the Zipkin collector to ensure it is sending the traces to the ES storage.
    Edit the Zipkin deployment and add ES_HTTP_LOGGING=BASIC in an environment variable.
kubectl -n istio-system edit deployment istio-tracing

- env:
- name: ES_HOSTS
- name: QUERY_PORT
value: "9411"
value: elasticsearch
value: "500000"
value: BASIC

After the Zipkin pod is restarted, you should start seeing logs for every connection to the ES server. Here is an example of a working connection:

istio-tracing-6b7884855-q5cq2 zipkin 2020-03-26 12:29:22.600  INFO 1 --- [.0.0.1:9200/...] z.e.ElasticsearchStorage                 : --> POST http/1.1 (-1-byte body)
istio-tracing-6b7884855-q5cq2 zipkin 2020-03-26 12:29:22.686 INFO 1 --- [.0.0.1:9200/...] z.e.ElasticsearchStorage : <-- 200 OK (85ms, 242-byte body)