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Version: 1.4.x

Protoc Extensions



Configures the sets of permissions that are required to invoke the method where this option is applied.

FieldDescriptionValidation Rule


List of tetrateio.api.tsb.rbac.v2.Permission
The required set of permissions. The full name of each permission (such as ReadApplication) will be inferred from the name of the method where this option is applied.


List of string
Set of raw permission names values. Only use this if the method being protected does not follow the common naming convention and the proper name of the permission cannot be inferred just by using the Permission enum and the method name.


When this flag is set to true, the permission checks will not be made at the API surface. This is usually needed when there is not an explicit set of permissions that can be preconfigured for the API methods, so the access control checks will be implemented at runtime by the application. The default value is 'false' and will only be taken into account if the permission properties are empty. If any permission is set, this flag will be ignored.