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Version: 1.4.x

Firewall Information

If your environment has strict network policies that prevent any unauthorized communication between two namespaces, you may need to add one or more exceptions to your network policies to allow communication between the sidecars and the local Istio Control Plane, as well as between the local Istio Control Plane and the TSB management plane.

The following information can be used to derive the appropriate set of firewall rules.

Between Istio and TSB

xcp-edge.istio-systemTSB Load Balancer IP, port 9443
oap.istio-systemTSB Load Balancer IP, port 8443
otel-collector.istio-systemTSB Load Balancer IP, port 8443
oap.istio-system, zipkin.istio-systemElasticsearch target IP and port
(If using demo deployment of Elasticsearch, change to TSB Load Balancer IP, port 8443)

Between Sidecars on k8s and Istio Control Plane

Sidecars or load balancers in any application namespace or
shared load balancer in any namespace to access Istio Pilot xDS server.
istiod.istio-system, port 15012
Sidecars or load balancers in any application namespace or
shared load balancer in any namespace to access SkyWalking OAP metrics server.
oap.istio-system, port 11800
Sidecars or load balancers in any application namespace or
shared load balancer in any namespace to access Zipkin server.
zipkin.istio-system, port 9411

Between Sidecars on VMs and Istio Control Plane

Sidecars on VMs to access Istio Pilot xDS server,
SkyWalking OAP metrics server, Zipkin server
VM Gateway (vmgateway.istio-system) Load Balancer IP,
port 15443

Between Sidecars on VMs and workloads on k8s

Sidecars on VMs to access workloads on k8sEither k8s pods directly,
Or VM Gateway (vmgateway.istio-system) Load Balancer IP,
port 15443

Between workloads on k8s and Sidecars on VMs

k8s pods to access workloads on VMsVM IP

Between Istio in cluster A and Istio in cluster B

xcp-edge.istio-system (cluster A)XCP Edge (xcp-edge.istio-system) Load Balancer IP,
port 15555 (cluster B)
xcp-edge.istio-system (cluster B)XCP Edge (xcp-edge.istio-system) Load Balancer IP,
port 15555 (cluster A)

Between workloads in cluster A and workloads in cluster B

k8s pods or VMs (cluster A)per-Service Gateway Load Balancer IP,
port 15443 (cluster B)
k8s pods or VMs (cluster B)per-Service Gateway Load Balancer IP,
port 15443 (cluster A)
Shared Load Balancers

If you are using a shared load balancer, then the load balancer envoy will need to be able to talk to all attached applications and their services. Since this information is not known in advance, we cannot provide definitive information on the ports to open in a firewall.