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Version: 1.5.x

Ingress Gateway troubleshooting

Whenever we use the TSB IngressGateway or the Istio Gateway and VirtualService resources to route external traffic to our services, we might face problems with the routes that we expose. In this document, we are going to show you some of the most common failure scenarios and how to troubleshoot them.

Missing configuration

One of the first things to check is that the configuration that we created in TSB exists in the destination cluster. For instance, in this case:

$ curl -vk
[ ... ]
> GET /hello HTTP/1.1
> Host:
> User-Agent: curl/7.81.0
> Accept: */*
* Mark bundle as not supporting multiuse
< HTTP/1.1 404 Not Found
< date: Wed, 27 Apr 2022 14:46:41 GMT
< server: istio-envoy
< content-length: 0

We are getting a 404 HTTP response (not found) to an ingress route that had just been configured. The first thing to check is the resource status. Make sure that the status for your ingress resources is ACCEPTED.


Envoy 404 responses do not have any body as shown above. If you see a 404 along with some "not found" message, it usually points to a correct configuration in routing, but you are hitting a wrong URL. For instance:

$ curl -vk
[ ... ]
< HTTP/2 404
< server: istio-envoy
< date: Wed, 27 Apr 2022 14:53:32 GMT
< content-type: text/html
< content-length: 233
< access-control-allow-origin: *
< access-control-allow-credentials: true
< x-envoy-upstream-service-time: 47
<title>404 Not Found</title>
<h1>Not Found</h1>
<p>The requested URL was not found on the server. If you entered the URL manually please check your spelling and try again.</p>

The HTML code you can see there is sent back by the application itself, which means the routing works OK, but you are reaching the application on a wrong path.

$ tctl experimental status workspace hello --tenant tetrate
hello FAILED The following children resources have issues: organizations/tetrate/tenants/tetrate/workspaces/hello/gatewaygroups/hello

For instance, the output above suggests that something in the workspace hello is not right, specifically in the gateway group named hello.

$ tctl experimental status gatewaygroup hello --workspace hello --tenant tetrate
hello FAILED The following children resources have issues: organizations/tetrate/tenants/tetrate/workspaces/hello/gatewaygroups/hello/virtualservices/hello

And there seem to be a problem with the VirtualService that was deployed for this route.

$ tctl experimental status virtualservice hello --gatewaygroup hello --workspace hello --tenant tetrate
hello FAILED MPC_FAILED no gateway object found for reference "helloworld/hellogw" in "organizations/tetrate/tenants/tetrate/workspaces/hello/gatewaygroups/hello/virtualservices/hello"

At this point we can identify the reason for the missing configuration is actually a problem with the configuration itself, so it can be fixed so it gets deployed, fixing the 404 error we were seeing. The error message in the status object will guide you to find where error is.

Envoy access logs


You can sent X-REQUEST-ID header to correlate the requests within the logs. You can use any random string as request ID. Envoy proxies will include that ID in every log statement that it creates. Following the example given below, this would be curl -vk -H 'X-REQUEST-ID:4e3e3e04-6509-43d4-9a97-52b7b2cea0e8'

TSB configures Istio so that Envoy prints access logs in stdout and only errors for certain modules. If the configuration received from istiod is not valid, you will see a message, but for requests failing, you will pretty much see a response 503 with some flags, specified in the Envoy documentation (see the %RESPONSE_FLAGS% section). Let's check the following example.

$ curl -vk
[ ... ]
< HTTP/2 503
< content-length: 19
< content-type: text/plain
< date: Wed, 27 Apr 2022 15:02:19 GMT
< server: istio-envoy
no healthy upstream

If we look at the access log for this request, we see:

[2022-04-27T15:02:20.472Z] "GET /foobar HTTP/2" 503 UH no_healthy_upstream - "-" 0 19 0 - "X.X.X.X" "curl/7.81.0" "55fef75a-70e5-449f-ad01-cd34960f465c" "" "-" outbound|8000||httpbin.httpbin.svc.cluster.local - X.X.X.X:36009 httpbin

Right, so we see the timestamp of the log, some HTTP information for the request (method, path, protocol), and then we can see the response code, 503, followed by the flag UH, which matches the message we got in the response, stating that there is no healthy upstream. The VirtualService for this ingress route is currently:

kind: VirtualService
annotations: tetrate tetrate httpbin httpbin
name: httpbin
namespace: httpbin
- httpbin/httpbingw
- name: httpbin
- destination:
host: httpbin.httpbin.svc.cluster.local

If we check the destination service httpbin endpoints:

$ kubectl get ep
httpbin <none> 48m
httpbin-gateway,, 48m

We have no valid endpoints, which is causing the problem. The next step here would be to check why we have no endpoints for the service (wrong selectors, compute problem, etc.).

Debug or trace logs

There are other cases where you might need to end up raising the verbosity of Envoy logs to find out what is going on. Let's say we have created an application that does:

$ curl localhost:8090/
super funny stuff...

And we deploy that to our service mesh. Once all the configuration is in place, we found out it is not quite working...

$ curl -v
[ ... ]
> GET / HTTP/1.1
> Host:
> User-Agent: curl/7.81.0
> Accept: */*
* Mark bundle as not supporting multiuse
< HTTP/1.1 502 Bad Gateway
< content-length: 87
< content-type: text/plain
< date: Thu, 28 Apr 2022 11:03:48 GMT
< server: istio-envoy
< x-envoy-upstream-service-time: 3
upstream connect error or disconnect/reset before headers. reset reason: protocol error

The HTTP status code 502 stands for bad gateway, so the problem should not be in our app.

Inspecting the logs for the gateway shows:

[2022-04-28T10:58:59.087Z] "GET / HTTP/1.1" 502 - via_upstream - "-" 0 87 3 3 "X.X.X.X" "curl/7.81.0" "3d1f5c5c-e788-4f55-ba0f-00f15b749767" "" "" outbound|8090||faulty-http.faulty-http.svc.cluster.local X.X.X.X:20985 - faulty-http

And the sidecar shows:

[2022-04-28T10:58:59.089Z] "GET / HTTP/1.1" 502 UPE upstream_reset_before_response_started{protocol_error} - "-" 0 87 1 - "X.X.X.X" "curl/7.81.0" "3d1f5c5c-e788-4f55-ba0f-00f15b749767" "" "" inbound|8090|| X.X.X.X:0 outbound_.8090_._.faulty-http.faulty-http.svc.cluster.local default

OK, here we can see the HTTP status code 502 along with the flags UPE, which according to the Envoy docs means The upstream response had an HTTP protocol error.. Right, but that does not show us what is going on.

At this point we are going to raise the verbosity for the Envoy logs to see if we can see some message that can point us to the root cause of the problem. To that extent, we are going to use a combination of tctl commands to get the configuration matching our host URL and then raise the log for the related components. The first command we are going to run is tctl get all to get the configuration related to our URL

$ tctl get all --fqdn >
$ grep -i kind
kind: VirtualService
kind: Gateway

In order to expose we are using an Istio Gateway and a VirtualService. Now we can run a command that will turn the log levels of the pods related to these two objects to trace (we could use debug, but trace might provide some extra info in some cases), and we are going to instruct tctl to wait while we do the tests so it will collect the logs afterwards.

$ tctl experimental debug log-level -f --level trace --wait -o /tmp/logs
The following pods were found matching the provided component/file:

- faulty-http/faulty-http-75cd76d866-x9hqx
- faulty-http/faulty-http-gw-7fbd455c4c-q8lr8

Do you want to proceed? [y/n]: y
Pod: faulty-http/faulty-http-75cd76d866-x9hqx
active loggers:
admin: trace
alternate_protocols_cache: trace
aws: trace
assert: trace
[ ... ]

Pod: faulty-http/faulty-http-gw-7fbd455c4c-q8lr8
active loggers:
admin: trace
alternate_protocols_cache: trace
aws: trace
assert: trace
[ ... ]

Waiting for logs to populate. Press Ctrl+C to stop and dump logs to files...

You can see how tctl identified 2 pods to change the log levels on:

  • faulty-http/faulty-http-75cd76d866-x9hqx is a pod that matches the selector for the service that is the destination in the VirtualService.
  • faulty-http/faulty-http-gw-7fbd455c4c-q8lr8 is a pod that matches the selector in the Istio Gateway object.

For these two pods, tctl is going to turn the log level to the specified trace level, and then it will hang for the user to press Ctrl+C to stop waiting for logs. At this point we are going to fire up a different terminal and fire the curl request we used before a couple of times. After that, we will return to the terminal running the tctl command and press Ctrl+C.

Waiting for logs to populate. Press Ctrl+C to stop and dump logs to files...
Dumping pod logs:
- faulty-http/faulty-http-75cd76d866-x9hqx... Done.
- faulty-http/faulty-http-gw-7fbd455c4c-q8lr8... Done.

As a result, we will have different files in the /tmp/logs folder:

$ ls -lrt /tmp/logs
-rw-r--r-- 1 chirauki staff 0 28 Apr 16:17 faulty-http-faulty-http-75cd76d866-x9hqx-faulty-http.log
-rw-r--r-- 1 chirauki staff 151797 28 Apr 16:17 faulty-http-faulty-http-75cd76d866-x9hqx-istio-proxy.log
-rw-r--r-- 1 chirauki staff 111970 28 Apr 16:17 faulty-http-faulty-http-gw-7fbd455c4c-q8lr8-istio-proxy.log

From top to bottom, these are the app container logs, app sidecar container logs and gateway logs. Let's check the sidecar container logs. If we search the host name in the URL,, we will see the requests that come into the gateway:

2022-04-28T14:17:49.024048Z     debug   envoy filter    original_dst: new connection accepted
2022-04-28T14:17:49.024099Z debug envoy filter tls inspector: new connection accepted
2022-04-28T14:17:49.024226Z trace envoy filter tls inspector: recv: 2103
2022-04-28T14:17:49.024265Z trace envoy filter tls:onALPN(), ALPN: istio-peer-exchange,istio
2022-04-28T14:17:49.024291Z debug envoy filter tls:onServerName(), requestedServerName: outbound_.8090_._.faulty-http.faulty-http.svc.cluster.local
2022-04-28T14:17:49.024431Z trace envoy misc enableTimer called on 0x557654f50480 for 3600000ms, min is 3600000ms
2022-04-28T14:17:49.024456Z debug envoy conn_handler [C6169] new connection from

Then we will be able to see the decoded headers of the incoming request:

2022-04-28T14:17:49.025487Z     trace   envoy http      [C6169] completed header: key=host
2022-04-28T14:17:49.025503Z trace envoy http [C6169] completed header: key=user-agent value=curl/7.81.0
2022-04-28T14:17:49.025510Z trace envoy http [C6169] completed header: key=accept value=*/*
2022-04-28T14:17:49.025516Z trace envoy http [C6169] completed header: key=x-forwarded-for value=
2022-04-28T14:17:49.025525Z trace envoy http [C6169] completed header: key=x-forwarded-proto value=http
2022-04-28T14:17:49.025531Z trace envoy http [C6169] completed header: key=x-envoy-internal value=true
2022-04-28T14:17:49.025539Z trace envoy http [C6169] completed header: key=x-request-id value=4e3e3e04-6509-43d4-9a97-52b7b2cea0e8
2022-04-28T14:17:49.025560Z trace envoy http [C6169] completed header: key=x-envoy-decorator-operation value=faulty-http.faulty-http.svc.cluster.local:8090/*
2022-04-28T14:17:49.025577Z trace envoy http [C6169] completed header: key=x-envoy-peer-metadata value=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
2022-04-28T14:17:49.025590Z trace envoy http [C6169] completed header: key=x-envoy-peer-metadata-id value=router~
2022-04-28T14:17:49.025594Z trace envoy http [C6169] completed header: key=x-envoy-attempt-count value=1
2022-04-28T14:17:49.025602Z trace envoy http [C6169] completed header: key=x-b3-traceid value=d5a4ba02141b15b1769bf40d0463c3b6
2022-04-28T14:17:49.025606Z trace envoy http [C6169] completed header: key=x-b3-spanid value=769bf40d0463c3b6
2022-04-28T14:17:49.025611Z trace envoy http [C6169] onHeadersCompleteBase
2022-04-28T14:17:49.025614Z trace envoy http [C6169] completed header: key=x-b3-sampled value=0
2022-04-28T14:17:49.025622Z trace envoy http [C6169] Server: onHeadersComplete size=14
2022-04-28T14:17:49.025636Z trace envoy http [C6169] message complete
2022-04-28T14:17:49.025642Z trace envoy connection [C6169] readDisable: disable=true disable_count=0 state=0 buffer_length=2374
2022-04-28T14:17:49.025679Z debug envoy http [C6169][S9387494024320102295] request headers complete (end_stream=true):
':authority', ''
':path', '/'
':method', 'GET'
'user-agent', 'curl/7.81.0'
'accept', '*/*'
'x-forwarded-for', ''
'x-forwarded-proto', 'http'
'x-envoy-internal', 'true'
'x-request-id', '4e3e3e04-6509-43d4-9a97-52b7b2cea0e8'
'x-envoy-decorator-operation', 'faulty-http.faulty-http.svc.cluster.local:8090/*'
'x-envoy-peer-metadata-id', 'router~'
'x-envoy-attempt-count', '1'
'x-b3-traceid', 'd5a4ba02141b15b1769bf40d0463c3b6'
'x-b3-spanid', '769bf40d0463c3b6'
'x-b3-sampled', '0'

And right after, we will see the outgoing request to the application. After some handshake messages, we will be able to see the headers of the incoming response from the application:

2022-04-28T14:17:49.027763Z     trace   envoy http      [C6170] parsing 2548 bytes
2022-04-28T14:17:49.027768Z trace envoy http [C6170] message begin
2022-04-28T14:17:49.027788Z trace envoy http [C6170] completed header: key=X-Header-0 value=value
2022-04-28T14:17:49.027806Z trace envoy http [C6170] completed header: key=X-Header-1 value=value
2022-04-28T14:17:49.027810Z trace envoy http [C6170] completed header: key=X-Header-10 value=value
2022-04-28T14:17:49.027815Z trace envoy http [C6170] completed header: key=X-Header-100 value=value
[ ... ]
2022-04-28T14:17:49.028329Z trace envoy http [C6170] completed header: key=X-Header-8 value=value
2022-04-28T14:17:49.028335Z trace envoy http [C6170] completed header: key=X-Header-80 value=value
2022-04-28T14:17:49.028340Z trace envoy http [C6170] completed header: key=X-Header-81 value=value
2022-04-28T14:17:49.028350Z debug envoy client [C6170] Error dispatching received data: headers count exceeds limit
2022-04-28T14:17:49.028366Z debug envoy connection [C6170] closing data_to_write=0 type=1
2022-04-28T14:17:49.028370Z debug envoy connection [C6170] closing socket: 1
2022-04-28T14:17:49.028450Z trace envoy connection [C6170] raising connection event 1
2022-04-28T14:17:49.028466Z debug envoy client [C6170] disconnect. resetting 1 pending requests
2022-04-28T14:17:49.028478Z debug envoy client [C6170] request reset
2022-04-28T14:17:49.028484Z trace envoy main item added to deferred deletion list (size=1)
2022-04-28T14:17:49.028497Z debug envoy router [C6169][S9387494024320102295] upstream reset: reset reason: protocol error, transport failure reason:
2022-04-28T14:17:49.028555Z debug envoy http [C6169][S9387494024320102295] Sending local reply with details upstream_reset_before_response_started{protocol error}
2022-04-28T14:17:49.028594Z trace envoy http [C6169][S9387494024320102295] encode headers called: filter=0x557655798850 status=0
2022-04-28T14:17:49.028601Z trace envoy http [C6169][S9387494024320102295] encode headers called: filter=0x55765503e2a0 status=0
2022-04-28T14:17:49.028606Z trace envoy http [C6169][S9387494024320102295] encode headers called: filter=0x5576557993b0 status=0
2022-04-28T14:17:49.028628Z trace envoy http [C6169][S9387494024320102295] encode headers called: filter=0x557654ed1420 status=0
2022-04-28T14:17:49.028660Z debug envoy http [C6169][S9387494024320102295] encoding headers via codec (end_stream=false):
':status', '502'
'content-length', '87'
'content-type', 'text/plain'
'x-envoy-peer-metadata-id', 'sidecar~'
'date', 'Thu, 28 Apr 2022 14:17:48 GMT'
'server', 'istio-envoy'

OK, hang on. We see how Envoy starts parsing the response headers, but eventually prints this line:

2022-04-28T14:17:49.028350Z     debug   envoy client    [C6170] Error dispatching received data: headers count exceeds limit

Somehow, there seem to be more headers in the response than Envoy would like. If we search the Envoy documentation (check specifically max_headers_count), we will see that, by default, Envoy allows up to 100 headers in an HTTP request or response, and we are going over that number. In this case, a problem in the application is causing an error in Envoy, so fixing the application would fix this issue.

At this point, we can use tctl again to revert the log levels to the defaults.

$ tctl experimental debug log-level -f --level info -y