Common TSB configurations shared between TSB components.
Common Kubernetes configuration shared by all components in the
- Affinity
- Capabilities
- ClientIPConfig
- ConfigMapKeySelector
- ContainerPort
- CrossVersionObjectReference
- Deployment
- DeploymentStrategy
- EnvVar
- EnvVarSource
- ExternalMetricSource
- GlobalDeployment
- GlobalJob
- GlobalService
- HorizontalPodAutoscalerSpec
- Job
- KubernetesComponentSpec
- KubernetesIstioComponentSpec
- KubernetesJobComponentSpec
- KubernetesSpec
- LocalObjectReference
- MetricSpec
- MetricTarget
- NodeAffinity
- NodeSelector
- NodeSelectorRequirement
- NodeSelectorTerm
- ObjectFieldSelector
- ObjectMetricSource
- PodAffinity
- PodAffinityTerm
- PodAntiAffinity
- PodSecurityContext
- PodsMetricSource
- PreferredSchedulingTerm
- ResourceFieldSelector
- ResourceMetricSource
- Resources
- RollingUpdateDeployment
- SELinuxOptions
- SeccompProfile
- SecretKeySelector
- SecurityContext
- Service
- ServiceAccount
- ServicePort
- SessionAffinityConfig
- Sysctl
- Toleration
- WeightedPodAffinityTerm
- WindowsSecurityContextOptions
- istio.operator.v1alpha1.IntOrString
- istio.operator.v1alpha1.K8sObjectOverlay
- istio.operator.v1alpha1.K8sObjectOverlay.PathValue
Configuration to describe a TSB management plane installation.
Configuration to describe a TSB control plane installation.
- ControlPlaneComponentSet
- ControlPlaneSpec
- ElasticSearchSettings
- HpaAdapter
- IsolationBoundary
- Istio
- IstioRevision
- ManagementPlaneSettings
- MeshExpansionSettings
- Oap
- Onboarding
- OnboardingOperator
- OnboardingPlane
- OnboardingRepository
- OpenTelemetryCollector
- RateLimitServer
- Satellite
- istio.operator.v1alpha1.K8sObjectOverlay
- istio.operator.v1alpha1.K8sObjectOverlay.PathValue
Configuration to describe components in the TSB data plane.