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Version: 1.6.x

TSB Helm Upgrade

This document explains how you can leverage Helm Charts to upgrade the different elements of TSB. The document assumes that Helm is already installed in the system.

This document only applies to TSB instances created with Helm, not to upgrade from TCTL based installations.

Before you start, make sure that you have:

✓ Checked the new version's requirements


  1. Helm installed
  2. TSB cli tctl installed
  3. kubectl installed
  4. Credentials for Tetrate's image repository

Configure the Helm repository

  • Add the repository:
    helm repo add tetrate-tsb-helm ''
    helm repo update
  • List the available versions:
    helm search repo tetrate-tsb-helm -l

Backup the PostgreSQL database

Create a backup of your PostgreSQL database.

The exact procedure for connecting to the database may differ depending on your environment, please refer to the documentation for your environment.

Upgrade process

Management Plane

Upgrade the management plane chart:

helm upgrade mp tetrate-tsb-helm/managementplane --namespace tsb -f values-mp.yaml

Control Plane

Upgrade the control plane chart:

helm upgrade cp tetrate-tsb-helm/controlplane --namespace istio-system -f values-cp.yaml --set-file secrets.clusterServiceAccount.JWK=/tmp/<cluster>.jwk

Data Plane

Upgrade the control plane chart:

helm upgrade dp tetrate-tsb-helm/dataplane --namespace istio-gateway -f values-dp.yaml


In case something goes wrong and you want to rollback TSB to the previous version, you will need to rollback the Management Plane, the Control Planes and the Data Planes charts.

Rollback the Control Plane

You can use helm rollback to rollback the current revision. To see the current revisions, you can run:

helm history cp -n istio-system

And then you can rollback to the previous revision:

helm rollback cp <REVISION> -n istio-system

Rollback the Management Plane

Scale Down Pods in Management Plane

Scale down all of the pods that talk to Postgres in the Management Plane so that the it is inactive.

kubectl scale deployment tsb iam -n tsb --replicas=0

Restore PostgreSQL

Restore your PostgreSQL database from your backup. The exact procedure for connecting to the database may differ depending on your environment, please refer to the documentation for your environment.

Restore Management Plane

helm rollback mp <REVISION> -n tsb