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Version: 1.6.x

Demo Installation

If you just want to take a quick look at what TSB can do, you can opt to install TSB's demo profile. The demo profile is simplified "batteries included" install experience that includes PostgreSQL, Elasticsearch, and LDAP running on the Kubernetes cluster.

You should be able to comfortably test TSB on a cluster with 3-6 nodes with 4 vCPU and 16gb each. Since the demo install runs PostgreSQL and Elasticsearch on Kubernetes, the cluster must have a default storage class set, and the ability for these resources to create Persistent Volume Claims with a minimum size of 100gb for Elasticsearch as well as for PostgreSQL.

Check the TSB Support Policy for compatibility with Kubernetes.

Demo Profile Installation

Obtain tctl and Sync Images

To install the demo profile, first follow the steps to download tctl and sync the container images.

Create a Kubernetes Cluster

Setup a Kubernetes cluster where you will be installing the demo profile into. The exact step to create a cluster differs depending on your environment. Please consult the manual for your environment for details on how to create a Kubernetes cluster.

Using kind

If you are using a kind cluster to install the demo profile, you will have to install MetalLB after having created the cluster to let TSB uses services of type LoadBalancer.

Once it is installed, you need to create a Layer 2 configuration that configures the range of IP addresses that will be used for LoadBalancer services. The range must be within the range of IPs of the kind Docker network (the default one used by kind). You can view the current range of IPs with the following command:

docker inspect kind | jq '.[0].IPAM.Config[0]'
"Subnet": "",
"Gateway": ""

Make sure to configure a range of IP addresses that is in the returned subnet. Once the layer 2 configuration has been applied, you can proceed to install the demo profile.

Execute tctl install demo

Once you have a cluster, make sure that the Kubernetes context is pointed to the cluster that you want to install the demo profile into.

The tctl install demo command will use the current-context from your kubectl configuration. Make sure it is pointing to the correct Kubernetes cluster before proceeding.

Run the following command to start the installation. You may provide your own admin password via the --admin-password option (available since 1.4.0), or one will be generated for you.

tctl install demo \
--registry <registry-location> \
--admin-password <password>

In certain environments (often with limited resources or under heavy load already), the installation might take longer than expected and the tctl tool could exit. The install demo command above is idempotent, making it safe to run again until the entire installation is completed.

When this installation is complete, you will have a management plane and control plane running inside your Kubernetes cluster.

On top of this, an Organization named tetrate will have been created.

After the demo installation is done, you may want to go through the Quickstart guides to get your feet wet.

Even if you are not going to go through the Quickstart, this may be a good time to create a tenant, as it will likely be required when you follow the examples in this website.

Login to the Web UI

You will need to know the URL for the TSB Web UI and the credentials to login to the UI.

This information can be found at the end of the demo install command output. You should have seen an output resembling the following text. Use this information to navigate and log into the Web UI.

Controlplane installed successfully!
Management Plane UI accessible at:
Admin credentials: username: admin, password: yGWx1s!Y@&-KBe0V

It is possible to further configure the demo installation. For example, you can easily onboard clusters by following the onboarding clusters guide.