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Version: 1.6.x

Onboard Workload from VM

Start Workload Onboarding Agent

Create the file /etc/onboarding-agent/onboarding.config.yaml with the following contents. Replace ONBOARDING_ENDPOINT_ADDRESS with the value that you have obtained earlier.

kind: OnboardingConfiguration
sni: onboarding-endpoint.example # (1)
workloadGroup: # (2)
namespace: bookinfo
name: ratings
version: v5 # (3)
connectedOver: INTERNET # (4)

This configuration instructs the Workload Onboarding Agent to connect to the Workload Onboarding Endpoint using one address, but validate the TLS certificate against the DNS name onboarding-endpoint.example (1).

The agent will attempt to join the WorkloadGroup you created earlier (2).

The extra label specified in (3) will be associated with the workload. It does not play a part in matching the workload with a WorkloadGroup.

This configuration also instructs the Workload Onboarding Agent to notify that this workload is connected to the rest of the mesh over the INTERNET (rather than VPC). Other nodes in the mesh will attempt to connect to this workload using the workload's public IP. Since you have launched the Kubernetes cluster and the EC2 instance in separate networks, this is necessary.

Once you have placed the above configuration file in the correct location, execute the following commands to start the Workload Onboarding Agent:

# Enable
sudo systemctl enable onboarding-agent

# Start
sudo systemctl start onboarding-agent

Verify that Istio Sidecar is up by executing the following command:

curl -f -i http://localhost:15000/ready

You should get output similar to the following:

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
content-type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8
server: envoy


Verify the Workload

From your local machine, verify that the workload has been properly onboarded.

Execute the following command:

kubectl get war -n bookinfo 

If the workload was properly onboarded, you should get an output similar to:

NAMESPACE   NAME                                                              AGENT CONNECTED   AGE
bookinfo ratings-aws-aws-123456789012-us-east-2b-ec2-i-1234567890abcdef0 True 1m

Verify Traffic from Kubernetes to VM

To verify traffic from Kubernetes Pod(s) to AWS EC2 instance, create some load on the bookinfo application deployed on Kubernetes and confirm that requests get routed into the ratings application deployed on the AWS EC2 instance.

On your local machine, set up port forwarding if you have not already done so.

Then run the following commands:

for i in `seq 1 9`; do
curl -fsS "http://localhost:9080/productpage?u=normal" | grep "glyphicon-star" | wc -l | awk '{print $1" stars on the page"}'

Two out of three times you should get a message 10 stars on the page.

Furthermore, you can verify that the VM is receiving the traffic by inspecting the access logs for the incoming HTTP requests proxied by the Istio sidecar.

Execute the following command:

journalctl -u onboarding-agent -o cat

You should see an output similar to:

[2021-10-25T11:06:13.553Z] "GET /ratings/0 HTTP/1.1" 200 - via_upstream - "-" 0 48 3 2 "-" "curl/7.68.0" "1928e798-dfe7-45a6-9020-d0f3a8641d03" "" "" inbound|9080|| - default

Verify Traffic from VM to Kubernetes

SSH into the AWS EC2 instance and execute the following commands:

for i in `seq 1 5`; do
curl -i \
--resolve details.bookinfo:9080: \

The above command will make 5 HTTP requests to Bookinfo details application. curl will resolve Kubernetes cluster-local DNS name details.bookinfo into the IP address of the egress listener of Istio proxy ( according to the sidecar configuration you created earlier).

You should get an output similar to:

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
content-type: application/json
server: envoy

{"id":0,"author":"William Shakespeare","year":1595,"type":"paperback", "pages":200,"publisher":"PublisherA","language":"English", "ISBN-10":"1234567890","ISBN-13":"123-1234567890"}