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Version: 1.4.x

Enabling the Internal Rate Limiting Server

TSB comes with a rate limiting server component for every control plane cluster. By default this is disabled.

This section will only discuss installation procedures for the internal mode, and not for installation of external servers.


The rate limit server can be enabled by explicitly specifying configuration for the rateLimitServer component in the ControlPlane Operator API and applying it to the relevant control plane clusters.

The rateLimitServer requires a Redis backend to keep track of the rate limiting attribute counts and its details need to be included in the configuration.

Your Control Plane operator configuration may look like the example below:

kind: ControlPlane
name: controlplane
namespace: istio-system

# ... omitted ...

domain: <domain>
uri: <redis-uri>

Note the introduction of rateLimitServer in the components object.

The value for domain is used to group the storage metadata for rate limits. Specifying the same domain for all Control Planes will effectively allow you to configure global rate limiting across all clusters. If you use different values for domain, then the rate limiting effects are localized to only those clusters that are looking at the same domain. This assumes that the Control Planes are specifying the same Redis server.

We recommend that you specify the same domain only within clusters in the same geographic region, for example us-east.

The value for redis-uri is the server name and port of the Redis instance to use. You are responsible in making sure that this URI is reachable from the control plane cluster(s).

Redis Authentication

If your Redis database requires a password, you can either create the secret yourself:

kubectl -n istio-system create secret generic \
redis-credentials \

If you are running TSB >= 1.4.0, you can specify it in using the --redis-password argument in the tctl install manifest control-plane-secrets command to generate the appropriate secrets.

Deploying The Server

Create a manifest using the example shown so far. Make sure to include all of the necessary fields for the Control Plane that has been omitted in the previous example.

If you are updating an existing Control Plane, you can use kubectl get controlplane -n istio-system -o yaml to obtain the current values.

Save the manifest into a file, e.g. control-plane-with-rate-limiting.yaml, and then apply it using kubectl:

kubectl apply -f control-plane-with-rate-limiting.yaml

To check if the rate limit server is properly running in the cluster, execute the following command:

$ kubectl get pods -n istio-system | grep ratelimit
ratelimit-server-864654b5b5-d77bq 1/1 Running 2 2d1h