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Version: 1.4.x

Troubleshooting Guide

Workload fails to join the mesh

If a new workload does not appear on the list of onboarded workloads, follow these steps.

Check status of the Workload Onboarding Agent

On the host of the workload, e.g. on the VM, run:

systemctl status onboarding-agent

You should get output similar to:

● onboarding-agent.service - Workload Onboarding Agent
Loaded: loaded (/usr/lib/systemd/system/onboarding-agent.service; enabled; vendor preset: disabled)
Active: active (running) since Thu 2021-10-07 14:57:23 UTC; 1 minute ago # (1)
Main PID: 3519 (bash)
CGroup: /system.slice/onboarding-agent.service
├─3520 onboarding-agent --agent-config /etc/onboarding-agent/agent.config.yaml --onboarding-config /etc/onboarding-agent/onboarding.config.yaml

If status of the onboarding-agent.service unit is not Active (1), double-check whether you followed onboarding instructions closely.

E.g., go back to:

Check logs of the Workload Onboarding Agent

On the host of the workload, e.g. on the VM, run:

journalctl -u onboarding-agent -o cat

No connectivity to the Workload Onboarding Endpoint

If you see repeatedly lines similar to:

info    agent   obtaining discovery information from the Workload Onboarding Plane ...
error agent RPC failed: rpc error: code = Unavailable desc = connection error: desc = "transport: Error while dialing dial tcp: lookup <onboarding-endpoint-dns-name> on no such host"

then your workload has no connectivity to the Workload Onboarding Endpoint.

Make sure

  • OnboardingConfiguration (file /etc/onboarding-agent/onboarding.config.yaml) contains correct DNS name of the Workload Onboarding Endpoint
  • DNS name is resolvable

You might need to go back to:

Workload is not authorized to join the mesh

If you see repeatedly lines similar to:

info    agent   using platform-specific credential procured by "aws-ec2-credential" plugin to request authorization for onboarding ...
error agent RPC failed: rpc error: code = PermissionDenied desc = Not authorized by OnboardingPolicy
error agent failed to obtain authorization for onboarding using platform-specific credential procured by "aws-ec2-credential" plugin: rpc error: code = PermissionDenied desc = Not authorized by OnboardingPolicy
error agent failed to obtain authorization to onboard using platform-specific credential procured by any of the plugins

(notice failed to obtain authorization for onboarding ... Not authorized by OnboardingPolicy)

then your workload is not authorized to join the mesh.

Double-check whether you've created the correct OnboardingPolicy resource.

You might need to go back to: