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Version: 1.4.x

tctl delete

tctl delete

Delete an object

tctl delete [<apiVersion/kind> <name>] [flags]


# Delete a cluster using the apiVersion/Kind pattern
tctl delete my-cluster

# Delete a single workspace using the short form
tctl delete ws my-workspace

These are the available short forms:
aab: ApplicationAccessBindings
ap: AuthorizationPolicy
apiab: APIAccessBindings
app: Application
cs: Cluster
dr: DestinationRule
eg: EgressGateway
gab: GatewayAccessBindings
gg: GatewayGroup
gw: Gateway
ig: IngressGateway
oab: OrganizationAccessBindings
org: Organization
os: OrganizationSetting
pa: PeerAuthentication
ra: RequestAuthentication
sab: SecurityAccessBindings
sd: Sidecar
sg: SecurityGroup
sr: ServiceRoute
ss: SecuritySetting
svc: Service
t1: Tier1Gateway
tab: TrafficAccessBindings
tg: TrafficGroup
tnab: TenantAccessBindings
ts: TrafficSetting
vs: VirtualService
wab: WorkspaceAccessBindings
ws: Workspace
wss: WorkspaceSetting

For API version and kind, please refer to:


  -f, --file string            File containing configuration to apply
--org string Organization the object belongs to
--tenant string Tenant the object belongs to
-w, --workspace string Workspace the object belongs to
-g, --group string Group the object belongs to
-t, --trafficgroup string Traffic group the object belongs to
-s, --securitygroup string Security group the object belongs to
-l, --gatewaygroup string Gateway group the object belongs to
-a, --application string Application the object belongs to
--api string API the object belongs to
-h, --help help for delete

Options inherited from parent commands

      --config string    Path to the config file to use. Can also be
specified via TCTL_CONFIG env variable. This flag
takes precedence over the env variable.
--debug Print debug messages for all requests and responses
-p, --profile string Use specific profile (default "default")