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Version: 1.4.x

tctl experimental

tctl experimental

Experimental commands that may be modified or deprecated


  -h, --help   help for experimental

Options inherited from parent commands

      --config string    Path to the config file to use. Can also be
specified via TCTL_CONFIG env variable. This flag
takes precedence over the env variable.
--debug Print debug messages for all requests and responses
-p, --profile string Use specific profile (default "default")

tctl experimental app-ingress

Run a Istio based Ingress Controller for your application


Install a dedicated Ingress Controller in your environment to allow incoming/ingress traffic to be routed to your application. This controller comprises of 3 components - Istiod, Istio Ingressgateway and a TSB OpenAPI Translator. You can configure the Ingress Controller by either specifying Istio config directly in the application namespace or by specifying the OpenAPI document for your application - the OpenAPI translator converts the specification into Istio compatible configuration and applies it on your behalf.


  -h, --help                             help for app-ingress
--istio-hub string The hub for the Istio images in App Ingress (default "")
--istio-tag string The tag for the Istio images in App Ingress (default "1.11.3")
-b, --openapi-backend-service string Name of the backend service implementing the OpenAPI specification
-o, --openapi-translator Enable the OpenAPI translator which generates Istio configs from an OpenAPI specfication and applies them
--openapi-translator-hub string The hub for the OpenAPI Translator images in App Ingress (default "")
--openapi-translator-tag string The tag for the OpenAPI Translator images in App Ingress (default "1103a4be187d61a1b1926f7484621c7f981af20d")

Options inherited from parent commands

      --config string    Path to the config file to use. Can also be
specified via TCTL_CONFIG env variable. This flag
takes precedence over the env variable.
--debug Print debug messages for all requests and responses
-p, --profile string Use specific profile (default "default")

tctl experimental app-ingress docker-compose

Run App Ingress in Docker using docker-compose.


  -h, --help                help for docker-compose
--network string Docker network (default "app-ingress")
--output-dir string Output directory (default "./")

Options inherited from parent commands

      --config string                    Path to the config file to use. Can also be
specified via TCTL_CONFIG env variable. This flag
takes precedence over the env variable.
--debug Print debug messages for all requests and responses
--istio-hub string The hub for the Istio images in App Ingress (default "")
--istio-tag string The tag for the Istio images in App Ingress (default "1.11.3")
-b, --openapi-backend-service string Name of the backend service implementing the OpenAPI specification
-o, --openapi-translator Enable the OpenAPI translator which generates Istio configs from an OpenAPI specfication and applies them
--openapi-translator-hub string The hub for the OpenAPI Translator images in App Ingress (default "")
--openapi-translator-tag string The tag for the OpenAPI Translator images in App Ingress (default "1103a4be187d61a1b1926f7484621c7f981af20d")
-p, --profile string Use specific profile (default "default")

tctl experimental app-ingress docker-compose generate

Generate the required docker-compose.yaml and folder structure to bootstrap App Ingress.

tctl experimental app-ingress docker-compose generate [OPTIONS] [flags]


  -h, --help   help for generate

Options inherited from parent commands

      --config string                    Path to the config file to use. Can also be
specified via TCTL_CONFIG env variable. This flag
takes precedence over the env variable.
--debug Print debug messages for all requests and responses
--istio-hub string The hub for the Istio images in App Ingress (default "")
--istio-tag string The tag for the Istio images in App Ingress (default "1.11.3")
--network string Docker network (default "app-ingress")
-b, --openapi-backend-service string Name of the backend service implementing the OpenAPI specification
-o, --openapi-translator Enable the OpenAPI translator which generates Istio configs from an OpenAPI specfication and applies them
--openapi-translator-hub string The hub for the OpenAPI Translator images in App Ingress (default "")
--openapi-translator-tag string The tag for the OpenAPI Translator images in App Ingress (default "1103a4be187d61a1b1926f7484621c7f981af20d")
--output-dir string Output directory (default "./")
-p, --profile string Use specific profile (default "default")

tctl experimental app-ingress kubernetes

Run App Ingress in Kubernetes


  -f, --filename string             Path to file containing IstioOperator custom resource to further customize the istio components in App Ingress
-h, --help help for kubernetes
-n, --namespace string The namespace to deploy the App Ingress deployments and services
-c, --openapi-config-map string Name of the configmap containing the OpenAPI specification (default "openapi-translator")

Options inherited from parent commands

      --config string                    Path to the config file to use. Can also be
specified via TCTL_CONFIG env variable. This flag
takes precedence over the env variable.
--debug Print debug messages for all requests and responses
--istio-hub string The hub for the Istio images in App Ingress (default "")
--istio-tag string The tag for the Istio images in App Ingress (default "1.11.3")
-b, --openapi-backend-service string Name of the backend service implementing the OpenAPI specification
-o, --openapi-translator Enable the OpenAPI translator which generates Istio configs from an OpenAPI specfication and applies them
--openapi-translator-hub string The hub for the OpenAPI Translator images in App Ingress (default "")
--openapi-translator-tag string The tag for the OpenAPI Translator images in App Ingress (default "1103a4be187d61a1b1926f7484621c7f981af20d")
-p, --profile string Use specific profile (default "default")

tctl experimental app-ingress kubernetes generate

Generate the Kuberenetes YAML required to install App Ingress.

tctl experimental app-ingress kubernetes generate [OPTIONS] [flags]


  -h, --help   help for generate

Options inherited from parent commands

      --config string                    Path to the config file to use. Can also be
specified via TCTL_CONFIG env variable. This flag
takes precedence over the env variable.
--debug Print debug messages for all requests and responses
-f, --filename string Path to file containing IstioOperator custom resource to further customize the istio components in App Ingress
--istio-hub string The hub for the Istio images in App Ingress (default "")
--istio-tag string The tag for the Istio images in App Ingress (default "1.11.3")
-n, --namespace string The namespace to deploy the App Ingress deployments and services
-b, --openapi-backend-service string Name of the backend service implementing the OpenAPI specification
-c, --openapi-config-map string Name of the configmap containing the OpenAPI specification (default "openapi-translator")
-o, --openapi-translator Enable the OpenAPI translator which generates Istio configs from an OpenAPI specfication and applies them
--openapi-translator-hub string The hub for the OpenAPI Translator images in App Ingress (default "")
--openapi-translator-tag string The tag for the OpenAPI Translator images in App Ingress (default "1103a4be187d61a1b1926f7484621c7f981af20d")
-p, --profile string Use specific profile (default "default")

tctl experimental app-ingress kubernetes install

Applies a manifest, installing or reconfiguring App Ingress on a cluster.


The install command generates an App Ingress installation manifest and applies it to a cluster.

tctl experimental app-ingress kubernetes install [flags]


  # Install a default App Ingress in namespace foo:
tctl x app-ingress kubernetes install -n foo


      --dry-run                      Console/log output only, make no changes.
-h, --help help for install
--readiness-timeout duration Maximum time to wait for Istio resources in each component to be ready. (default 5m0s)
-y, --skip-confirmation The skipConfirmation determines whether the user is prompted for confirmation.
If set to true, the user is not prompted and a Yes response is assumed in all cases.
--verify Verify the Istio control plane after installation/in-place upgrade.

Options inherited from parent commands

      --config string                    Path to the config file to use. Can also be
specified via TCTL_CONFIG env variable. This flag
takes precedence over the env variable.
--debug Print debug messages for all requests and responses
-f, --filename string Path to file containing IstioOperator custom resource to further customize the istio components in App Ingress
--istio-hub string The hub for the Istio images in App Ingress (default "")
--istio-tag string The tag for the Istio images in App Ingress (default "1.11.3")
-n, --namespace string The namespace to deploy the App Ingress deployments and services
-b, --openapi-backend-service string Name of the backend service implementing the OpenAPI specification
-c, --openapi-config-map string Name of the configmap containing the OpenAPI specification (default "openapi-translator")
-o, --openapi-translator Enable the OpenAPI translator which generates Istio configs from an OpenAPI specfication and applies them
--openapi-translator-hub string The hub for the OpenAPI Translator images in App Ingress (default "")
--openapi-translator-tag string The tag for the OpenAPI Translator images in App Ingress (default "1103a4be187d61a1b1926f7484621c7f981af20d")
-p, --profile string Use specific profile (default "default")

tctl experimental audit

Get the audit logs for a given resource, showing the most recent events first

tctl experimental audit <apiVersion/kind | kind | shortform> <name> [flags]


# Get the audit logs for a tenant using the apiVersion/Kind pattern
tctl experimental audit

# Get audit logs for a workspace and all its child resources
tctl experimental audit ws my-workspace --recursive

# Get audit logs for a workspace since a given date
tctl experimental audit ws my-workspace --since "2021/10/21 15:54:44" --user "admin"

# Get audit logs related to security groups in the given workspcae
tctl experimental audit ws my-workspace --recursive --kind ""
tctl experimental audit ws my-workspace --recursive --kind "Group"

# Get the audit logs for a gateway group
tctl experimental audit --workspace my-workspace GatewayGroup my-group

Group kind is available for different APIs, so these helpers are available to easily retrieve them:
- TrafficGroup
- SecurityGroup
- GatewayGroup

These are the available short forms:
aab: ApplicationAccessBindings
ap: AuthorizationPolicy
apiab: APIAccessBindings
app: Application
cs: Cluster
dr: DestinationRule
eg: EgressGateway
gab: GatewayAccessBindings
gg: GatewayGroup
gw: Gateway
ig: IngressGateway
oab: OrganizationAccessBindings
org: Organization
os: OrganizationSetting
pa: PeerAuthentication
ra: RequestAuthentication
sab: SecurityAccessBindings
sd: Sidecar
sg: SecurityGroup
sr: ServiceRoute
ss: SecuritySetting
svc: Service
t1: Tier1Gateway
tab: TrafficAccessBindings
tg: TrafficGroup
tnab: TenantAccessBindings
ts: TrafficSetting
vs: VirtualService
wab: WorkspaceAccessBindings
ws: Workspace
wss: WorkspaceSetting

For API version and kind, please refer to:


      --org string             Organization the object belongs to
--tenant string Tenant the object belongs to
-w, --workspace string Workspace the object belongs to
-g, --group string Group the object belongs to
-t, --trafficgroup string Traffic group the object belongs to
-s, --securitygroup string Security group the object belongs to
-l, --gatewaygroup string Gateway group the object belongs to
-a, --application string Application the object belongs to
--api string API the object belongs to
-o, --output-type string Response output type: table, yaml, json (default "table")
--max-logs int32 Maximum number of entries to retrieve
--text string Filter events that contain the given text
--kind apiVersion/kind Only return entries of this kind. It can be apiVersion/kind or just `kind`
--severity string Filter events by severity
--operation string Filter events by operation
--user string Filter events generated by the given user
--since string Filter events since the given time. Must be in the format: "2006/01/02 15:04:05"
--recursive Get audit logs for child resources as well
-h, --help help for audit

Options inherited from parent commands

      --config string    Path to the config file to use. Can also be
specified via TCTL_CONFIG env variable. This flag
takes precedence over the env variable.
--debug Print debug messages for all requests and responses
-p, --profile string Use specific profile (default "default")

tctl experimental debug

Commands to interact with the debug endpoint in TSB components


  -h, --help   help for debug

Options inherited from parent commands

      --config string    Path to the config file to use. Can also be
specified via TCTL_CONFIG env variable. This flag
takes precedence over the env variable.
--debug Print debug messages for all requests and responses
-p, --profile string Use specific profile (default "default")

tctl experimental debug dashboard

Opens the debug dashboard for a TSB component

tctl experimental debug dashboard <component> [flags]


# Open the debug dashboard for the MPC component
tctl experimental debug dashboard management/mpc


      --admin-server-port int    Port where the admin server is listening in the TSB component (default 5555)
--browser When --browser is supplied as false, the browser will not be opened; the URL of the admin dashboard will just be printed (default true)
-t, --context string The name of the kubeconfig context to use
-c, --controlplane string The namespace where the control plane is deployed (default "istio-system")
-d, --dataplane string The namespace where the data plane is deployed (default "istio-gateway")
-h, --help help for dashboard
-k, --kubeconfig string Kubernetes configuration file
-m, --managementplane string The namespace where the management plane is deployed (default "tsb")

Options inherited from parent commands

      --config string    Path to the config file to use. Can also be
specified via TCTL_CONFIG env variable. This flag
takes precedence over the env variable.
--debug Print debug messages for all requests and responses
-p, --profile string Use specific profile (default "default")

tctl experimental debug log-level

Checks or sets the log level for TSB components

tctl experimental debug log-level <component> [flags]


# Check the current log levels for the IAM component
tctl experimental debug log-level management/iamserver

# Set the log for the IAM component in the management plane to debug
tctl experimental debug log-level management/iamserver --level debug

# Set the logger q from the API server to debug
tctl experimental debug log-level management/apiserver --level q:debug

# Set multiple loggers at once
tctl experimental debug log-level management/apiserver --level q:debug,pdp:debug

# Data plane commands work the same for IngressGateway, Tier1Gateway and EgressGateway.

# Check loggers for a given TSB gateway
tctl experimental debug log-level data/bookinfo-gateway

# Set all loggers to trace for a given TSB gateway
tctl experimental debug log-level data/bookinfo-gateway --level trace

# Set the router and http loggers to debug for a given TSB gateway
tctl experimental debug log-level data/bookinfo-gateway --level router:debug,http:debug


      --admin-server-port int    Port where the admin server is listening in the TSB component (default 5555)
-t, --context string The name of the kubeconfig context to use
-c, --controlplane string The namespace where the control plane is deployed (default "istio-system")
-d, --dataplane string The namespace where the data plane is deployed (default "istio-gateway")
-h, --help help for log-level
-k, --kubeconfig string Kubernetes configuration file
-l, --level strings log level to set, might include a logger name.
In the form [logger:]level. If logger is omitted, the specified level
will be set for all loggers of the given component.

-m, --managementplane string The namespace where the management plane is deployed (default "tsb")

Options inherited from parent commands

      --config string    Path to the config file to use. Can also be
specified via TCTL_CONFIG env variable. This flag
takes precedence over the env variable.
--debug Print debug messages for all requests and responses
-p, --profile string Use specific profile (default "default")

tctl experimental sidecar-bootstrap

(experimental) Bootstrap Istio Sidecar for a workload that runs on VM or Baremetal (mesh expansion scenarios)


(experimental) Takes in one or more WorkloadEntry(s), generates identity(s) for them, and optionally copies generated files to the remote node(s) over SSH protocol and starts Istio Sidecar(s) there.

Alternatively, if SSH is not enabled on the remote node(s), generated files can be saved locally instead. In that case you will be able to transfer files to the remote node(s) using a mechanism that suits best your particular environment.

If you choose to copy generated files to the remote node(s) over SSH, you will be required to provide SSH credentials, i.e. either SSH Key or SSH Password. If you want to use an SSH Password or a passphrase-protected SSH Key, you must run this command on an interactive terminal to type the password in. We do not accept passwords through command line options to avoid leaking secrets into shell history.

File copying is performed over SCP protocol, and as such SCP binary must be installed on the remote node. If SCP is installed in a location other than /usr/bin/scp, you have to provide absolute path to the SCP binary by adding annotation to the respective WorkloadEntry resource.

To start Istio Sidecar on the remote node you must have Docker installed there. Istio Sidecar will be started on the host network as a docker container in capture mode.

While this command can work without any explicit configuration, it is also possible to fine tune its behavior by adding various annotations on a WorkloadEntry resource. E.g., consider the following real life example:

kind: WorkloadEntry
annotations: /etc/istio-proxy # Directory on the remote node to copy generated files into istio-proxy # User to SSH as; must have permissions to run Docker commands
# and to write copied files into the target directory ".*" # Configure Envoy proxy to export all available stats |
concurrency: 3 # ProxyConfig overrides to apply
name: my-vm
namespace: my-namespace
address: # At runtime, Istio Sidecar will bind incoming listeners to that address.
# At bootstrap time, this command will SSH to that address
app: ratings
version: v1
class: vm # It's very handy to have extra labels on a WorkloadEntry
# to be able to narrow down label selectors to VM workloads only
network: on-premise # If your VM doesn't have L3 connectivity to k8s Pods,
# make sure to fill in network field
serviceAccount: ratings-sa

For a complete list of supported annotations run tctl x sidecar-bootstrap --docs.

tctl experimental sidecar-bootstrap [<workload-entry-name>[.<namespace>]] [flags]


  # Show under-the-hood actions to copy workload identity of a VM represented by a given WorkloadEntry:
tctl x sidecar-bootstrap --dry-run

# Show under-the-hood actions to copy workload identity and start Istio Sidecar on a VM represented by a given WorkloadEntry:
tctl x sidecar-bootstrap --start-istio-proxy --dry-run

# Copy workload identity into a VM represented by a given WorkloadEntry:
tctl x sidecar-bootstrap

# Copy workload identity and start Istio Sidecar on a VM represented by a given WorkloadEntry:
tctl x sidecar-bootstrap --start-istio-proxy

# Generate workload identity for a VM represented by a given WorkloadEntry and save generated files into an archive file (*.tgz) at a given path
tctl x sidecar-bootstrap --output-file path/to/output/file.tgz

# Generate workload identity for a VM represented by a given WorkloadEntry and save generated files into a directory
tctl x sidecar-bootstrap --output-dir path/to/output/dir

# Print a list of supported annotations on the WorkloadEntry resource:
tctl x sidecar-bootstrap --docs


  -a, --all                            bootstrap all WorkloadEntry(s) in a given namespace
-o, --archive (experimental) save generated files into a local archive file (*.tgz) instead of copying them to a remote machine (file name will be picked automatically)
--context string The name of the kubeconfig context to use
--docs (experimental) print a list of supported annotations on the WorkloadEntry resource
--dry-run print generated configuration and respective SSH commands but don't connect to, copy files or execute commands remotely
--duration duration (experimental) amount of time that generated ServiceAccount tokens should be valid for (default 24h0m0s)
-h, --help help for sidecar-bootstrap
--ignore-host-keys (experimental) do not verify remote host key when establishing SSH connection
-i, --istioNamespace string Istio system namespace (default "istio-system")
-c, --kubeconfig string Kubernetes configuration file
-n, --namespace string Config namespace
-d, --output-dir string save generated files into a local directory instead of copying them to a remote machine
--output-file string (experimental) save generated files into a local archive file (*.tgz) instead of copying them to a remote machine (file name is picked by the user)
--ssh-connect-timeout duration (experimental) timeout on establishing SSH connection (default 10s)
-k, --ssh-key string (experimental) authenticate with SSH key at a given location
--ssh-password (experimental) force SSH password-based authentication
--ssh-port int (experimental) default port to SSH to (is only effective unless the '' annotation is present on a WorkloadEntry) (default 22)
-u, --ssh-user string (experimental) default user to SSH as, defaults to the current user (is only effective unless the '' annotation is present on a WorkloadEntry)
--start-istio-proxy start Istio Sidecar on a remote host after copying configuration files
--timeout duration (experimental) timeout on copying a single file to a remote host (default 1m0s)

Options inherited from parent commands

      --config string    Path to the config file to use. Can also be
specified via TCTL_CONFIG env variable. This flag
takes precedence over the env variable.
--debug Print debug messages for all requests and responses
-p, --profile string Use specific profile (default "default")

tctl experimental status

Get the status of an object

tctl experimental status <apiVersion/kind | kind | shortform> <name> [flags]


# Get the status of a tenant using the apiVersion/Kind pattern
tctl experimental status

# Get the status of a workspace using the short form
tctl experimental status ws my-workspace

# Get the status of a gateway group
tctl experimental status --workspace my-workspace GatewayGroup my-group

Group kind is available for different APIs, so this helpers are available to easly retrieve them:
- TrafficGroup
- SecurityGroup
- GatewayGroup

These are the available short forms:
aab: ApplicationAccessBindings
ap: AuthorizationPolicy
apiab: APIAccessBindings
app: Application
cs: Cluster
dr: DestinationRule
eg: EgressGateway
gab: GatewayAccessBindings
gg: GatewayGroup
gw: Gateway
ig: IngressGateway
oab: OrganizationAccessBindings
org: Organization
os: OrganizationSetting
pa: PeerAuthentication
ra: RequestAuthentication
sab: SecurityAccessBindings
sd: Sidecar
sg: SecurityGroup
sr: ServiceRoute
ss: SecuritySetting
svc: Service
t1: Tier1Gateway
tab: TrafficAccessBindings
tg: TrafficGroup
tnab: TenantAccessBindings
ts: TrafficSetting
vs: VirtualService
wab: WorkspaceAccessBindings
ws: Workspace
wss: WorkspaceSetting

For API version and kind, please refer to:


      --org string             Organization the object belongs to
--tenant string Tenant the object belongs to
-w, --workspace string Workspace the object belongs to
-g, --group string Group the object belongs to
-t, --trafficgroup string Traffic group the object belongs to
-s, --securitygroup string Security group the object belongs to
-l, --gatewaygroup string Gateway group the object belongs to
-a, --application string Application the object belongs to
--api string API the object belongs to
-o, --output-type string Response output type: table, yaml, json (default "table")
-h, --help help for status

Options inherited from parent commands

      --config string    Path to the config file to use. Can also be
specified via TCTL_CONFIG env variable. This flag
takes precedence over the env variable.
--debug Print debug messages for all requests and responses
-p, --profile string Use specific profile (default "default")

tctl experimental verify

Verify environment is ready for install or installed successfully

tctl experimental verify [flags]


      --failure-threshold Level   The severity level of analysis at which to set a non-zero exit code. Valid values: [   Info Warn Error] (default Warn)
-h, --help help for verify
-L, --list-verifiers List the verifiers that will be run based on the execution context and passed flags
--output-threshold Level The severity level of analysis at which to display messages. Valid values: [ Info Warn Error] (default Info)
-s, --suppress stringArray Names of verifiers to suppress
--timeout duration The duration to wait before giving up (default 1m0s)

Options inherited from parent commands

      --config string    Path to the config file to use. Can also be
specified via TCTL_CONFIG env variable. This flag
takes precedence over the env variable.
--debug Print debug messages for all requests and responses
-p, --profile string Use specific profile (default "default")

tctl experimental wait

Wait until a resource reaches the desired status

tctl experimental wait <apiVersion/kind | kind | shortform> <name> [flags]


Wait command assumes the default desired status is READY for any resource.
Also, --status and --event optional parameters can be provided to specificy another status to wait for.

# Wait for a tenant using the apiVersion/Kind pattern
tctl experimental wait

# Wait for a workspace to be ready using the short form
tctl experimental wait ws my-workspace --status READY

# Wait for a workspace to be ready in no more than 1 minute
tctl experimental wait workspace my-workspace --status READY --timeout 1m

# Wait for a a gateway group to be accepted by XCP
tctl experimental wait --workspace my-workspace GatewayGroup my-group --status ACCEPTED --event XCP_CENTRAL_ACCEPTED

Group kind is available for different APIs, so this helpers are available to easly retrieve them:
- TrafficGroup
- SecurityGroup
- GatewayGroup

These are the available short forms:
aab: ApplicationAccessBindings
ap: AuthorizationPolicy
apiab: APIAccessBindings
app: Application
cs: Cluster
dr: DestinationRule
eg: EgressGateway
gab: GatewayAccessBindings
gg: GatewayGroup
gw: Gateway
ig: IngressGateway
oab: OrganizationAccessBindings
org: Organization
os: OrganizationSetting
pa: PeerAuthentication
ra: RequestAuthentication
sab: SecurityAccessBindings
sd: Sidecar
sg: SecurityGroup
sr: ServiceRoute
ss: SecuritySetting
svc: Service
t1: Tier1Gateway
tab: TrafficAccessBindings
tg: TrafficGroup
tnab: TenantAccessBindings
ts: TrafficSetting
vs: VirtualService
wab: WorkspaceAccessBindings
ws: Workspace
wss: WorkspaceSetting

For API version and kind, please refer to:


      --org string             Organization the object belongs to
--tenant string Tenant the object belongs to
-w, --workspace string Workspace the object belongs to
-g, --group string Group the object belongs to
-t, --trafficgroup string Traffic group the object belongs to
-s, --securitygroup string Security group the object belongs to
-l, --gatewaygroup string Gateway group the object belongs to
-a, --application string Application the object belongs to
--api string API the object belongs to
-o, --output-type string Response output type: table, yaml, json (default "table")
--status string The status to wait for. One of [ACCEPTED READY FAILED] (default "READY")
--event string The type of the last event to wait for. One of [TSB_ACCEPTED MPC_ACCEPTED XCP_CENTRAL_ACCEPTED XCP_CENTRAL_REJECTED MPC_FAILED]
--timeout duration The timeout to fail the command if the condition is not reached (default 2m0s)
-h, --help help for wait

Options inherited from parent commands

      --config string    Path to the config file to use. Can also be
specified via TCTL_CONFIG env variable. This flag
takes precedence over the env variable.
--debug Print debug messages for all requests and responses
-p, --profile string Use specific profile (default "default")