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Version: 1.4.x

Configure the VM

Launch an AWS EC2 Instance

Launch an AWS ECS2 instance with the following configuration:

  1. Choose 64-bit (x86) AMI image with Ubuntu Server (DEB)
  2. Choose a minimal Instance Type, e.g. t2.micro (1x vCPU, 1 GiB RAM) or t2.nano (1x vCPU, 0.5 GiB RAM)
  3. Choose the default VPC (for your instance to have public IP)
  4. Set Auto-assign Public IP to Enable
  5. Configure SecurityGroup to allow incoming traffic to port 9080 from

For the purposes of this guide, you will be creating an EC2 instance with a public IP for ease of configuration.


This is NOT recommended for production scenarios. For production scenarios, you should do the opposite and place the Kubernetes cluster and the EC2 instances on the same network, or peered networks, and not give your VMs public IPs.

Install Bookinfo Ratings Application

SSH into the AWS ECS2 instance you have created, and install the ratings application. Execute the following commands:

# Install the latest version of trusted CA certificates
sudo apt-get update -y
sudo apt-get install -y ca-certificates

# Add DEB repository with Node.js
curl --silent --location | sudo bash -

# Install Node.js
sudo apt-get install -y nodejs

# Download DEB package of the Bookinfo Ratings app
curl -LO

# Install DEB package
sudo apt-get install -y ./bookinfo-ratings.deb

# Remove downloaded file
rm bookinfo-ratings.deb

# Enable SystemD Unit
sudo systemctl enable bookinfo-ratings

# Start Bookinfo Ratings app
sudo systemctl start bookinfo-ratings

Verify the ratings Application

Execute the following command to verify that the ratings application can now serve local requests:

curl localhost:9080/ratings/1

You should get output similar to:


Configure to Trust the Example CA

Remember that you have previously configured the Workload Onboarding Endpoint using a TLS certificate signed by a custom CA. As a result, any software that runs on the AWS EC2 instance and attempts to connect to the Workload Onboarding Endpoint will not trust its certificate by default.

Before proceeding further, you must configure the EC2 instance to trust your custom CA.

First, update the apt package list:

sudo apt-get update -y

Then install the ca-certificates package:

sudo apt-get install -y ca-certificates

Copy the contents of the file example-ca.crt.pem that you have created when you setup the certificates, and place it under the location /usr/local/share/ca-certificates/example-ca.crt on the EC2 instance.

Use your favorite tool to do this. If you have not installed any editors or tools, you could use the combination of cat and dd as follows:

  1. Execute cat <<EOF | sudo dd of=/usr/local/share/ca-certificates/example-ca.crt
  2. Copy the contents of example-ca.crt.pem from somewhere, and paste it in the terminal that you executed the previous step
  3. Type EOF and press Enter to finish the first command

After you have placed the custom CA in the correct location, execute the following command:

sudo update-ca-certificates

This will reload the list of trusted CAs, and it will include your custom CA.

Install Istio Sidecar

Install the Istio sidecar by executing the following commands. Replace ONBOARDING_ENDPOINT_IP with the value that you have obtained earlier.

# Download DEB package
curl -LO \
--resolve "onboarding-endpoint.example:443:${ONBOARDING_ENDPOINT_IP}" \

# Download checksum
curl -LO \
--resolve "onboarding-endpoint.example:443:${ONBOARDING_ENDPOINT_IP}" \

# Verify the checksum
sha256sum --check istio-sidecar.deb.sha256

# Install DEB package
sudo apt-get install -y ./istio-sidecar.deb

# Remove downloaded files
rm istio-sidecar.deb istio-sidecar.deb.sha256

Install Workload Onboarding Agent

Install the Workload Onboarding Agent by executing the following commands. Replace ONBOARDING_ENDPOINT_IP with the value that you have obtained earlier.

# Download DEB package
curl -LO \
--resolve "onboarding-endpoint.example:443:${ONBOARDING_ENDPOINT_IP}" \

# Download checksum
curl -LO \
--resolve "onboarding-endpoint.example:443:${ONBOARDING_ENDPOINT_IP}" \

# Verify the checksum
sha256sum --check onboarding-agent.deb.sha256

# Install DEB package
sudo apt-get install -y ./onboarding-agent.deb

# Remove downloaded files
rm onboarding-agent.deb onboarding-agent.deb.sha256